Team Alignment – 4 Keys To Building A High Performing Team

What is Team Alignment?

When we talk about Team Alignment you hear a couple of phrases thrown around such as getting people to be ‘on the same page’… or to ‘row in the same direction’.  And they make sense because when everyone in a team is aligned they are focussed and committed to working towards a common goal.

In a unified team, an aligned team, each person will bring their unique skills and contribute positively to the overall function of the business.

It’s important to note that getting your team aligned isn’t something that you can do once and be done with it.  It’s a process that can take several months or even a year before you get to the point that you have got the team how you want it.  And looking at how your team is functioning together is something that needs to be revisited regularly to make sure everyone remains aligned and focussed.

If you want to build a unified team where everyone is rowing in the same direction, here is a framework that that will help you get there …

The 4B Framework For Team Alignment Discussions

It’s a grea ideaa to workshop this with your team.

  1. Why is what we do worth doing … What do we agree to BELIEVE in?
  2. How do we agree to BEHAVE with one another, and with our patients?
  3. What determines that someone BELONGS or does NOT BELONG in our practice?
  4. Where are we going and what do we want the practice to BECOME?


The first step … BELIEF.

People will follow you because of what you stand for.  An important ingredient is to set some “empowering beliefs” about your business. For example, is there something that you could say that you believe about …

  • the future of healthcare
  • your relationships with patients
  • the value of healthcare to people in general

Theses beliefs need to be real and they need to be brought to the attention of the team regularly.

As yourself a few questions… Why do we do what we do? And what you do outside of your business that aligns with those beliefs and values.  What is your purpose?  And how will you get your team to “align” with that purpose?


The second step – BEHAVIOURS – is the enactment of our beliefs, the way we work with each other and our patients.

You need to plan and build your team, so they understand where you’re going and what you’re doing.  The way you behave sets the tone for your business.  You are showing your team mates, through your behaviours, that this is what is expected from them.

There will be times when people aren’t showing those behaviours, and this presents an opportunity for you to reaffirm what behaviours are expected and what behaviours are not tolerated.

Make Best Practice part of your behaviour.


The third step – BELONGING. Everybody wants to be part of something special doing something for our community.  Building a sense of connection will ensure that your team feels they belong and that they are contributing positively.

Create a sense of collaboration in your workspace, great energy comes from that.

Instead of an exclusive behaviour such as …  ‘I shut my door and work with my patients alone and don’t involve anyone else in my working day’

Show an inclusive behaviour and ask for your team to contribute.  Ask them their opinions and listen to what they have to say.  Make them feel a sense of belonging.  You want to encourage people to think globally, bring new ideas to your business, and bring energy and freshness to the work you do.


The fourth step – BECOME.  Becoming a great team is not easy.  Most teams start in mediocrity at best.  But teams that hang together and stay together for a reasonably long period of time have become a cohesive unit and are committed and focussed on the end goal. They are loyal, have built a bond and want to work together.  The best teams are the ones that stick together.  They have a sense of pride about themselves, their workplace, what they do.

So, have a look at yourself and your team, ask yourself a few questions and if necessary make some adjustments so that you get the best aligned team you can get.

Set the Tone For Continuing Team Alignment

  • Set some beliefs around your business
  • Set the behaviours on a daily basis
  • Create a connection through meetings and social events
  • Start to get that cohesive team and create a work environment where everyone feels they belong – and you will know that they want to be here.